My Entrepreneurship

My entrepreneurship path has been filled with high highs and low lows, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.


I Have Worked and Served for Great People


Beautiful Minds
Built to Last

I founded my first startup straight from the young age of 26, driven by a passion for technology and a vision to make healthcare more accessible. Though we faced challenges those early years, I persevered through personal sacrifices, never losing sight of our mission to serve patients.

When funding ran short, I made the difficult decision between payroll and a hospital contract – ultimately forgoing salary so we could help more people. During those lean times, I took side jobs in the gig economy to pay bills, learning valuable lessons about business along the way.

Though still running lean, we are cash flow positive and helping more patients every day. My journey has been filled with high highs and low lows, but I would not trade this startup rollercoaster for anything.

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